Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Enjoying our Days in Kerrville

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Weather here is changing up and down.  One day it is cold, cold at night (down in the 40’s and even into the 30’s) with temps during the day in the 70’s.  A couple of days ago it was only e in the low 50’s then back up to the 70’s the next.  Crazy, but that is the way Texas is during this time of year.  We have had no rain for quite some time and humidity is tolerable as it is quite low.  We have also had some winds, some quite high at times. 

The Elks Lodge has been a frequent place for us to visit as they have Hamburgers or Chicken sandwiches each Wednesday and a dinner on Friday night so we go to get acquainted with the lodge members.  Wednesday is also the day the Lodge is open to the public and there is a country western band for dancing from 7 – 9 p.m.  They are quite good though I have not convinced Ron to stay as yet.  We used to dance several nights a week but that has been quite a few years ago.  It would be nice to be back into it a bit again. 

Dinner last Friday was Chicken Fried Steak with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, roll, salad and assorted desserts.  The cooks did a great job as usual and turn out is picking up as is membership in the Lodge now that the “season” is beginning. 

Saturday night we attended a musical play called “Nunsense” put on in the small playhouse theater here in town.  Hilarious! and tickled your funny bone.   It is a cute play with lots of humor and songs and fast moving.  There were only 5 women involved and a pianist for the musical numbers.  What a kick several of the actresses were.  All were in nun garb with one of them wearing black and white knitted knee socks and sneakers under her habit.  This Playhouse has 5 plays during the year including mystery, drama and musical plays. 

For a small town of around 26,000, Kerrville has a lot to offer in the way of community events and activities and organizations to be involved in.  Of course, we are also close to San Antonio, Fredericksburg and other small towns with activities as well.  We really do like it here and are seriously thinking of putting down roots here when we are ready for our next sticks and brick house. 

Lots of deer around in the early evening so driving in this very rural environment means being aware of what is beside the highways and in the residential areas.  The deer are used to people and cars so not afraid of you driving near them or stopping to take pictures.  Leaves are beginning to drop off some trees though we are told many do not lose leaves until December and then begin getting new ones quite quickly. Some have turned color but where we are there are not many that have.

Signing off til next time.  Kathy