Sunday, April 9, 2017


Sunday, April 9, 2017

We have now been in Albuquerque for a week.  Left Tucson on Friday, March 31, but did not get very far.  We knew when we left that the winds were blowing in southern NM but decided we would try to make Deming (Plan A) if we could.  Just as we got to Benson, AZ (40 miles southeast of Tucson), we received a call from the campground in Deming telling us the road was closed from the Arizona border to Lordsburg, NM due to high winds and blowing dirt causing zero visibility. This is a common occurrence on I-10 in the spring in southern New Mexico. So Plan B was to stop at the Escapee Coop Campground in Benson for the night or two until it was safe to drive on. 

Saturday morning the road was clear and we proceeded to Deming for the night or so we thought.  Just as we set up in our space, the low air pressure alarm went off in the RV.  Ron checked around outside the RV to see what might be causing the problem and determined we needed to contact Roadside Assistance stating we had a mechanical problem with the air brake system.  Since it was Saturday afternoon and the next day was Sunday and any part that might be needed to fix the situation would not be available, it was suggested we stay put and the mechanic would come on Monday morning.  So much for a two day trip to Albuquerque that would now be four days.  We sat tight for Saturday night and Sunday (Plan C and D) enjoying just relaxing in the New Mexico sunshine watching other RV’s come and go from the campground.

Monday morning our mechanic arrived, assessed the situation, made a small adjustment in the valve that was stuck, tried to find a new valve in town, showed Ron how to make the adjustment if an adjustment was needed along the way and off we set to Albuquerque, 240 miles east and north.  Everything went well until we again got set up in Albuquerque.  Oh, well.  We are in town and parts and service people are available.  Ron purchased the new value on Tuesday for a small price and will be putting it on himself saving us some big bucks. 

We finally decided yesterday that the reason we have both been so sleepy is that we are not used to the higher altitude (over 5,000 feet) since we have been gone for six months.  I also developed another viral infection and have not been up to par so we have laid low before we start our doctor appointments next week and get together with our local friends and family.     It's  nice to be back at our home base before taking off for the summer to the northwest.